Wichtige Info für Unbegleitete minderjährige Flüchtlinge

with the new asylum law, going in charge at the 1st november, are also some special changes for people under 18 who came here alone (without family). they change the age for „asylrechtsfähigkeit“ (the ability to claim asylum) to 18+ which means, that people under 18 are not alowed to claim asylum on their own. they are still alowed to stay, but claiming asylum and a resulting aufenthalt are for example a condition to let family come due to dublin-law. also its much easier to get aufenthalt when you are under 18 right now. after the changes people under 18 need a guardian (which is moste of the time basicly gouvernment), who allows them to claim asylum.
that means, that it could be a good idea for people under 18 who are here without family to claim asylum on their own befor the 1st of november in many cases!!!!
Hier eine Arbeitshilfe zur Handlungsfähigkeit im Asylverfahren(Asylverfahrensfähig erst ab 18 Jahre ab 1.11.2015)
Asylantragsmuster(kann bis 31.10.2015 eingereicht werden)